Warum es sich lohnt, einen Coach zu haben

by Jörg Weisner // Juni 23 // 0 Comments

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
 Joseph Campbell

Das hat Steve Chandler sehr schön auf den Punkt gebracht:

To those who have asked me why I have a coach, and why I've paid people to coach me through the years, I ask them why should coaching just be for athletes and actors?

They reply that athletes and actors can't afford to be average or mediocre. They have to be as good as they can be just to keep their jobs. Greatness, to them, is linked to survival. They have to be great at what they do or they're gone.

Well, so do we now. The world has gone global. No more whining about outsourcing. If someone in China can do it better than you can, game over. To have a great life, we have to be great at what we do.
Steve Chandler

Wie sieht es bei Ihnen aus? Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie schon mit Coaching gemacht? Ich freue mich auf Ihre Kommentare!
